3 Ways African Destinations Can Leverage the Brand Africa Momentum Now
From boosting cultural tourism to jumping on travel trends, there are ways to shift the narrative of Africa as a tourism destination.
From boosting cultural tourism to jumping on travel trends, there are ways to shift the narrative of Africa as a tourism destination.
Voyages Afriq Podcast Guest: Outlook on African tourism 2024 and the state of the industry.
It's high time this industry dropped the “help the communities in the Global South” approach as a way to define sustainable tourism.
A free edition of my latest newsletter with an update on the past two months. Subscribe for upcoming tourism insights.
The UNWTO made a call for "new narratives in tourism" on Caribbean soil. Here's why I'm here for it.
The Tourism Lens Podcast features sustainable tourism advocates and leaders from all parts of the travel industry, sharing diverse perspectives and solutions.
Green Key program director for Trinidad and Tobago shares insights on hotel eco-certification and sustainability efforts.
Caribbean economist Marla Dukharan's latest report points out critical issues with measuring Caribbean tourism's success.
Kilimanjaro porters at African Scenic Safaris speak about their work and the treatment of porters in Tanzania.
The least visited country in Central America is worth a trip. Here's why.